Photo of Guadalupe Rosas Mexico

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Bachelor Study Grafica ENAP UNAM communication and Master in Visual Arts at the former Academy of San Carlos, UNAM, with specialization in printmaking. Recibila first Honorfica Mention in National Print Competition V JosGuadalupe Posada, First Prize in the 11 catalog of Illustrators for Children and Youth of the CNCA, artist selected by the European community to participate in 2005 in Interkunts Nrtingen, Germany. He has...

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Bachelor Study Grafica ENAP UNAM communication and Master in Visual Arts at the former Academy of San Carlos, UNAM, with specialization in printmaking. Recibila first Honorfica Mention in National Print Competition V JosGuadalupe Posada, First Prize in the 11 catalog of Illustrators for Children and Youth of the CNCA, artist selected by the European community to participate in 2005 in Interkunts Nrtingen, Germany. He has worked as a cartoonist, illustrator and vietista several means of communication Mexico printed as the newspaper El Universal, Milenio Diario, the cultural supplement "The Bho" the newspaper Exclsior and in the magazine Weekly Macrpolis and Millennium. He has done individual exhibitions BETWEEN HEAVEN AND EARTH, graphics in the Museo Casa de Leon Trotsky. THE THRESHOLD OF THE ROAD, graphics in the Cultural Forum University of the Autonomous University of Chiapas and Shadows, graphics in the Academia de San Carlos Campus of The National School of Plastic Arts. He has participated in over 50 national and international exhibitions among which visual Rassegna ARTI DI, QUE VIVA MEXICO!, TRE GENERAZIONI Palazzi di na ARTISTI MESSICANI in Anzzurra, San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy. TOD DER HA, HA, HA!, DEATH, JA, JA, JA!, CONTEMPRANEA AN INTERPRETATION OF OFFERING OF THE DEAD AND FIVE WALL Galera Keller Am Wien, Vienna. Austria. INTERNATIONAL ART-INTERKUNTS in Nrtingen Rathaus, Germany. CURRENT MEXICAN-Grafica MEXYLO in Iberoamricano Institute of Berlin, Germany and VHS Galera in Reutlingen, Germany and Resistance in the Alliance Française de Pereira, Colombia.

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